Conditions or diseases: - Collagenosis, connective tissue disease: Progressive outbreaks of systemic diseases, in particular: systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, polymyositis, visceral sarcoidosis. - Dermatological: Severe autoimmune bullous dermatoses, in particular pemphigus and bullous pemphigoid. Severe forms of angiomas in infants. Certain forms of lichen planus. Some acute urticaria. Severe forms of neutrophilic dermatoses. - Digestive: Progressive outbreaks of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Chronic active autoimmune hepatitis (with or without cirrhosis). Severe acute alcoholic hepatitis, histologically proven. - Endocrine: Severe subacute de Quervain thyroiditis. Certain hypercalcemias. - Hematological: Severe immunological thrombocytopenic purpuras. Autoimmune hemolytic anemias. In combination with various chemotherapies in the treatment of lymphoid malignancies. Chronic, acquired or congenital red cell aplasia. - Infectious: Tuberculous pericarditis and serious forms of life-threatening tuberculosis. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia with severe hypoxia. - Neoplastics: Antiemetic treatment during antineoplastic chemotherapy. Edematous and inflammatory flare-up associated with antineoplastic treatments (radio and chemotherapy). - Nephrological: Nephrotic syndrome with minimal glomerular lesions. Nephrotic syndrome of primary segmental and focal hyalinoses. Stages III and IV of lupus nephropathy. Intrarenal granulomatous sarcoidosis.Vasculitis with renal damage. Primary extracapillary glomerulonephritis. - Neurological: Myasthenia. Cerebral edema caused by tumor. Chronic, idiopathic, inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis. Infantile spasm (West syndrome), Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Multiple sclerosis in flare-up, following intravenous corticosteroid therapy. - Ophthalmological: Severe anterior and posterior uveitis. Edematous exophthalmos. Certain optic neuropathies, following intravenous corticosteroid therapy (in this indication, the oral route as first intention is not recommended). - ENT: Certain serous ear infections. Nasosinusal polyposis. Certain acute or chronic sinusitis. Seasonal allergic rhinitis in short course. Acute stridular laryngitis (subglottic laryngitis) in children. Respiratory: Persistent asthma preferably in a short course in the event of failure of high-dose inhalation treatment. Exacerbations of asthma, especially severe acute asthma. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in evaluation of the reversibility of the obstructive syndrome. Progressive sarcoidosis. Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. - Rheumatological: Rheumatoid arthritis and certain polyarthritis. Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis and Horton's disease. Acute articular rhumatism. Severe and intractable cervicobrachial neuralgia. - Organ and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Prophylaxis or treatment of graft rejection. Prophylaxis or treatment of graft-versus-host disease.
Therapeutic area
Orodispersible tablet
20 mg